
On Windows Genres Horror History Forum Help Find Video In 1080P Resolution The Mercy

The Mercy Biography




  • 1h, 52 Min
  • Scott Z. Burns
  • countries: UK
  • release Date: 2018
  • James Marsh
  • 6,7 of 10 I had the privilege of seeing this film during a sneak peek, a week before it opened in Germany, and was pleasantly surprised. It follows the true story, sometimes only as well as we can guess, of the late Donald Crowhurst and his ill-fated sail-boat voyage around the world without stopping.
I went in with no prior knowledge of the film whatsoever, and this is the preferred state in which one wants to be in, if one wants to appreciate or enjoy this film.
It starts slow. And it is, over all, a very slow movie. If you prefer quickly-paced films with action, or even quick-witted dramas with lightning-fast wit packed into every line, then this is not your movie. This is a movie for the bored. Perhaps for the people with time to spare and a hankering for show-stopping but, in the end, unsatisfying acting.
Overall, this movie is unsatisfying. Not because of the production. Not because of the acting. Not because of the music or the directing. All of those attributes are artfully executed. The film leaves one hanging, with no flavor left on the tongue, because of the true story on which it is based.
Crowhurst commits suicide and the family is left in the lurch.
It is displayed to us sympathetically, but not satisfyingly. It is shown to us with reasons and circumstances evenly conveyed. It is performed sublimely, all actors concerned, but still not cathartically.
It is difficult to ascribe the perfect adjectives to this film, and it's harder to form the perfect judgment. Which was obviously the problem the filmmakers had when making this movie. We are left hanging. Not in the plot, not in the story, not even emotionally, but we are left hanging on the verdict. What was this film about? What was the meaning? What is the Mercy?
I suppose when looking at events that actually happened, it is difficult to attach perfect meaning, even a perfect structure. But that's what a movie is supposed to do. I certainly didn't pay for a ticket to have a question put before me, not answered but told, in empty words, that I received an answer.
Judge for yourselves, but to me this movie was a tasteless wafer of the highest quality, handcrafted with excellence, but in the end, terribly stale. Vor uns das mehr informationen. Vor uns das meer ganzer film. Vor uns das meer lyrics. Watch Full The Master Race Watch Here Without Sign Up

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